This is an unusual ‘about me’ page, because instead of telling you all about the things I’ve achieved in my life, I’ve decided to share with you the strange things I found out about myself since ‘waking up’ in 2009 and realising the world is not quite what I thought it was.
For the last 15 years I have delved into the studies of structured water, sustainability, magnetism, music, sound, frequencies, radio, geometry, natural law and magic mushrooms. This eclectic deep dive was all intuitively guided by my higher self and I felt compelled to follow the breadcrumbs down the rabbit hole of life to see where it would lead.
Whilst training with my sound teacher Elaine Thompson in 2019, I was told that each person was born into a particular musical note, with a particular frequency, and therefore a particular colour that match that note.
My colour is Orange which is also my favourite colour, hence the picture above.
My birth note is ‘D’ which is the key I tend to lean towards when listening to and making music.
But the most interesting part to find out was that the frequency I was born into was 17.766 also known as the exact same frequency as Psilocybin Mushrooms.
As you can imagine, after working with this powerful medicine for so long this information blew my mind.
I was always told by people that they could ‘feel my energy’ when they were on magic mushrooms but I never really knew what that meant or why.
Obviously I now wanted to know more about my birth story, and that’s when things got even stranger…
I was born on a New Moon & Solar Eclipse on the 30th May at 11:37AM. Apparently this is rare and those born on Solar Eclipses tend to have rather a lot of drama early on in life. My close ones will tell you, this is true!
According to my mother, I decided to land on earth ‘feet first’ from the womb to a ready made audience of almost twenty people, made up of student nurses and trainee doctors who had never seen a footling baby being delivered. I think from this we can safely say that I was born to be on stage.
As well as landing feet first, I was born in a hospital named ‘Freedom Fields’ which matches the deep need I have had for freedom my whole life.
This aptly named hospital was located in an area called ‘The Sound’. Yes I was born in The Sound!
The area known as ‘The Sound’ is located in Plymouth, when broken down means Ply-mouth aka ‘to work with your mouth’. For a speaker and voice artist this kind of fits the story that’s unfolding.
Plymouth can be found in Devon in the south of England. Devon means both the ‘Devine’ and the ‘Defender of Truth’. Again my connection to the spiritual path that opened up and my deep dive into Natural Law kind of makes sense when you think about it.
After finding out this uncanny bit of information on where I was born I decided to also explore what my name means
My first name…
Natalie means ‘Christmas’ which is the ‘Birth day of the Lord’
Christ-mas also means ‘The Mass of Christ’.
And the word ‘Mass’ means ‘Missa’ - Missa means ‘The Anointed Female’.
In Hebrew it means ‘Gift from God’
My second name..
Lauraine means the laurel tree which stands for ‘honour & victory’
My last name…
Richardson means Powerful Ruler whom is destined to lead.
My parents would say that could also mean ‘bossy and likes to go her own way’.
In 2012 I found out that I was psychic, telepathic and could speak to dead people. These options were never discussed with my careers advisor at school. No one ever told me I could channel information from unknown places and feed it back to people and call it a job.
This now obvious heads up would have saved me a lot of time and money.
For those of you into astrology will find it interesting to know that I have 6 planets in Gemini with a rising sign of Leo, so getting paid to be on stage in front of large audiences was always going to happen, but in true gemini style, it took me a little longer to recognise this as I got so distracted along the way having fun and getting into trouble which I wouldn’t change at all.
I played around with the idea of being on camera a few times but every time I gathered an audience and things started to go somewhere, I would run away, believing I could not handle that level of attention so it was better to hide.
I also learnt that I am a ‘Projector’ in Human Design, which means I have to wait for the invitation in order for things to go well. This information changed my life and saved me a lot of wasted energy.
After a serious breakdown in 2011 I learnt to meditate and spent many hours of my life alone just meditating in my room, and playing with my voice in the mirror, knowing that something was coming through me and that I had something to say to the world but not quite brave enough to share it, until NOW.
I know there is so much more to this story of me but I’ve been told I have to transmit it so you can feel it instead of read it.
This is why I am now speaking, singing and toning in public
You could say I was born to do this.