When Someone Owes You Money
You need to remember that the person you are reaching out to is someone you want something from, so remember to come from a loving place.
You need to appreciate that they may be scared to speak to you or even face you through fear, shame or guilt.
You also need to know what the minimum amount is that you are will to receive for them to be able to make a commitment.
If you need it all right now then let them know, but remember if you can give this person a break now, the energy of that will come back to you somewhere down the line; you might be in need of a little break too someday.
You have two options right now; tell them it doesn't matter and that the debt is cancelled or you can work out a deal with them they can afford. It's that simple.
So, here is the email to send.
First of all, I don't want this email to make you feel uncomfortable and I really hope you're good and most of all safe during these times.
I wanted to reach out regarding the money you owe me. I know you must be feeling overwhelmed with finances right now, as I certainly am. I want to see if we can help each other out and come to some arrangement.
You currently owe me (INSERT THE AMOUNT)
I know you may not be able to pay it all right now, but if you can that would really help me as I have my own commitments, but if not, can we settle on you paying me (INSERT THE AMOUNT) a week until it's cleared?
If this is still not possible, please let me know what you are able to pay so we can get this cleared.
If you are struggling you may want to take a look at this webinar I just completed, it's super cheap and will really help you to face your finances and get some clarity around it. It's made me feel much better about mine.
These are my up to date bank details
Full name - (INSERT YOUR NAME)
Account number - (INSERT YOUR NUMBER)
I look forward to hearing from you and would love you to feel as chilled about this as I do. It’s only money and we need to share the love as much as we can right now.
Take care and most of all stay safe.