First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Today's Date
Form completed on this day
How many hours a day have you been listening to your sound?
How have you been listening to your sound?
For example, using a headset or through speakers
Have you noticed a change in your attitude towards life?
Please describe any changes you've noticed
Is your outlook more positive since listening to your sounds? In what way?
Are you feeling more cheerful?
Have you felt more peaceful in yourself?
Have you noticed an increase in energy or motivation since listening to your sounds?
If you experience impaired movement: have you tried doing anything that you cannot normally do since listening to your sounds?
Have you noticed a change in your sleep quality?
Have you experienced a change in your general emotional state?
For example, are you feeling more sensitive, more positive, more calm
Can you remember any meaningful dreams you've experienced since listening to your sounds?
Have you found yourself remembering past events more frequently?
Especially memories of trauma or stressful situations
Have you noticed a change in your ability to think?
For example, are you able to think more clearly?
Describe any positive things that you have done since listening to your sounds
For example, finishing a project, reaching out to a loved one
Have those around you noticed a change in you?
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being not good, 10 being wonderful) how are you feeling about yourself currently?
Regarding your thought patterns: is the balance of your thinking more positive or negative?
Have you noticed a shift since listening to your sounds?
Have you noticed a particular part of the body where you feel the sound when you listen to it?
This might not be a physical feeling, like a tingling, but perhaps an awareness of the sound centering somewhere in the body
Have any physical changes related to your problem occurred in recent weeks?
If applicable
Have you noticed a change in pain levels?
If applicable
Are you more mobile than you were before you started listening to your sounds?
If applicable
If your problem concerns immobility or paralysis, please list any symptoms that have seen improvement or change, no matter how small.
If your problem concerns body tremors, please detail any changes no matter how small.
Have your mental faculties improved at all?
Please describe any other improvements you've noticed since listening to your sounds
How do your sounds feel?
For example, is the volume suitable?
If you are taking any medication, have you managed to lessen your dosage since listening to your sounds?
Have you informed your doctor about your sound therapy? What was their reaction?
How do you feel after each time you listen to your sound?
How do you feel when the sound is turned off?
Please describe what you think has changed or improved since you started listening to your sounds