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NORMAL BANKS: The banks we know today are ‘real world’ physical banks that you can see, touch, call and walk into. These real-world banks such as HSBC, Barclays, and JP Morgan only deal in money, debt, and assets. They are not built or designed to give us everything we could ever need as and when we need it. More often than not these banks take more money from us than we put in. They run alongside our failing financial system and don't have our best interests at heart, despite how good the branding may be. They serve a few individuals who know how to play that game and the rest of us are left wondering how everyone else got so rich.

A BANK YOU DIDN’T KNOW YOU HAD: You have a universal bank account that is connected to everything and everyone. In this bank account, you have your very own ‘metaphysical bank balance’. This universal bank is only concerned with deposits. As long as you keep banking deposits it will keep paying out and it will never charge you interest or steal your money. This bank is fair to all its customers. It serves us all equally. This universal bank uses energy instead of money.

WITHDRAWALS: There are no bank cards or checkbooks. When we need to withdraw energy from this bank all we have to do is say “thank you in advance for what we need. Then as if by magic (but really by natural order) you get what you need. It may not be what you always wanted, but it’s definitely using a higher intelligence to bring you what you need at that moment for your greater benefit. Discernment is a must.

Sometimes you can even get magical payouts when you didn't even ask for anything. But only if you can believe that.

This bank really does have your best interest at heart. If you’re willing to work with the natural order of things this bank will never let you down.

AN EXAMPLE: Imagine you give a homeless person £10 when you walk past him in the street. Imagine the delight on his face at you being so generous. By offering this act of kindness you are sharing share your wealth and your natural flow of abundance with someone who needs it more than you at that moment.

You just made a 'deposit' of good energy into your Universal Bank account and the homeless person received an unexpected payout from his universal Bank account. As I said, this bank has everyone's 'interest' at heart.

ENERGY EXCHANGES: When you do something for someone, it should not come with an expectation of a return. however, if you agreed to support someone in their work and they are providing you a service then the right thing to do is to pay them for their time and energy. Offering a service that you can provide back to them may be of use to them and this may be a good exchange of energy.

Please note: Do not use this as your first point of exchange. Many people can find it offensive and uncomfortable when dealing with money and may feel embarrassed to tell you they need it. Offer your money fair and square first and then offer the option of an energy exchange so they have a choice and are not forced through shame into something they don’t want.

GOOD DEPOSITS: It's not just about money, the universal bank takes deposits in the way of good deeds, kind words, positive thoughts, right actions, and acts of service. It also receives deposits when you make a decision that is right for your higher self and that aligns with your own boundaries that you have set in place. Every time you tell the truth and each time you offer someone your love, despite what they have done to you, you are banking good energy.

GROWING YOUR WEALTH: Your only job is to BANK as many good deeds as you can, as often as you can.

CHALLENGES: The universal bank has what I call ‘Auditors’. These are certain individuals in which the bank sends to you directly. They will challenge and test you on your good deeds. They will see how you respond to them and this will determine how well you are banking your universal energy. These auditors have a purpose, and that’s to help you increase your credit score on a monthly basis. Treat them kindly.

HOW TO SPOT AN AUDITOR: They come in all shapes and sizes. You will know an Auditor by how they make you feel. These people test your nerve, patience, and tenacity. They will push you to your limits and do their very best to annoy you, however, they DO NOT KNOW they are Auditors. The job of an auditor is a bit like jury service. Any one of us can get called up to Audit others. We keep each other in check.

LOVING AUDITORS: We need to learn to LOVE all the Auditors we meet along our journey. They are sent to help us grow our wealth and happiness. So give these people respect and love and communicate with them effectively. The more you do this, the fewer Auditors you get and the more your wealth can grow.

Good energy and communication will help you handle these random check-ups.

BAD DEPOSITS: The bank also keeps a record of all your reactions such as anger, frustration, bitterness, resentments, jealousy and more. It records when you are mean to another being or when you think bad thoughts or say bad things. The bank is always on and you are always banking so choose your steps wisely.

However, it's very important to know that this bank does not judge you or your behavior. It only records what you put in so that it knows what to give out later on. It can only give what you deposit. It does not know any different.

LEARNING THE ALGORITHM: There are many ways to improve and increase your wealth. Exercising, reading, taking an interest in energy, sound and vibration will help you to understand the way the universal bank works. Building up a daily self-practice and having discipline will change health, wealth, and happiness dramatically.

THE VIP ACCOUNT: To get the best out of the bank and to get great returns on your investments you can join the VIP program. The only way to join this is by living in absolute truth and governing yourself on a daily basis from a place of LOVE.

HOW TO SIGN UP FOR A BANK ACCOUNT: You already have one, but if you would like to see evidence of this then I suggest you sit at the foot of your bed and thank God for giving you all you have. Doing this daily will ensure you get the best rate of interest possible.