If facing your finances was difficult before Covid-19 then you will no doubt be silently freaking out right now. This workshop will help calm the overwhelm that is often felt around money.
If you have been feeling low or avoiding dealing with your bills, talks about money or awkward conversations as well as telling people the truth about your financial situation through fear of shame, judgment or guilt then this event is for you. It’s a whole day in one group where we get shit done and smash through all of our admin.
By joining this webinar you will be able to;
face your finances in a group setting
organise your personal incomings and outgoings
learn how to have difficult conversations around money
cancel the things you don’t need or can’t afford.
structure an email to someone about money owed in or out
budget for the next 3 months based on different scenarios we may face globally.
Whether you understand finance and how the global economy works doesn’t matter, now is the time to start looking at your OWN economic climate, the one that surrounds you daily and affects all of your choices.
The only option we all have right now is to face our problems and deal with them one by one, not just because that’s the adult thing to do, but because everyone else needs support and if we all get into financial clarity and alignment things can shift globally in a BIG way.
Unlike never before we all are in the same position right now when it comes to money. Nobody really knows where the economy is going. This is no longer about judgement, blame or lack of interest, it’s about coming together to work out a solution that leaves you feeling safe and accomplished and like you can help the people around you to manage their own finances and expectations too. Even if you have money this workshop can still get your organised like never before.
I’m not a financial advisor. I can not tell you what to do with your investments or tell you how much to spend and where. I can, however, offer you the same learnings that I have undertaken to help you have a clearer understanding of what’s taking place right now in the world of economics and how to become aware of what lies ahead. I’m also a Mental Health First aider and know what it’s like to worry about money. I can offer you my knowledge in this area, and can help you find support for these anxious times.
Remember, ignoring calls, bills, loans and awkward conversations around money is not the answer. That’s why I finally developed my own simple solution of how to organise and manage my incomings and outgoings, which in turn helped me to reduce my own fear and anxiety around money. It also helped me to make important decisions when it came to spending and helped many of my friends and clients in the process when I shared it with them.
I feel it’s also important to let you know that I hated maths at school and I never had any real interest in becoming a multi-millionaire and I hated all things finance related as I didn’t understand it. I just wanted to build something fun in my life, get paid well and to help make people happy in the process. But I learnt pretty quickly that having your own business was one of the best ways to make a real change. Having tons of money was never my aim, but avoiding it became my biggest problem.
So, no more ‘head in the sand’ mentality… we have work to do and I am excited to help you become clear around money.